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Year 3 Thriftwood Activity Day & Residential

Please take a moment to see what the children have been up to at Thriftwood Activity Centre! Our campers have been busy enjoying an array of exciting activities, from climbing […]

Eid Ul Adha – School Closed

The school will be closing so that families can celebrate Eid with their families. Date to be confirmed nearer the time.

1W Performance Assembly

To Safeguard our children in school, parents are reminded to put away their mobile phones when entering the school site. Performance assembly starts at 10am and finishes at 10.30pm. Look forward to seeing you all there.

Old Palace Sports Mornings

We will be holding our annual sports morning events in the week beginning 1st July 2024. We are planning to run the events in a similar way to the sports day held last year, where children will rotate around 7/8 activities ensuring that all children are active throughout the morning. Children will be divided into […]

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