Reading at Home
Year 1 – Year 4
All pupils in Years 1 – 4 have access to Bug Club. You can access Bug club by clicking on image below:
Each half term the school adds the titles to be read, which are appropriate for the child’s reading level. Once children have read the book, there will be an opportunity for them to answer questions and complete a quiz. They will collect reward points as they go along which can be used to play games. Teachers will monitor pupil progress and share the information with them.
In addition the children have the opportunity to borrow one book from the school library which they will keep for 10 days.
Reading Tube Map
What is it?
In KS2 the children already have access to library books, bug club books which are specifically at your child’s reading level. The reading tube map gives children a fun way to develop their reading for pleasure. The tube lines match the genres that are being taught in class.
Where can I find the map and Oyster card?
Each child will have their own tube map and oyster card which will be kept in the classroom. To help us to track which books they are reading.
How does it work?
The child will borrow a book from the Tube map box which is in the classroom, when they have finished reading the book it will be ticked off by the teacher. When they finish a line, the teacher will stamp their Oyster card. A text will also be sent home to inform you. When the whole tube map is finished they will receive a certificate.
How does this benefit them?
More reading = better vocabulary, bigger imagination, increased fluency, improved writing and most importantly will develop a LOVE for reading.
Year 5 & 6
The children have the opportunity to bring home a book linked to their English unit each Friday to read over the weekend. In addition the children have the opportunity to borrow one book from the school library which they will keep for 10 days.
Each week the children are given a number of words to learn. The children are given a weekly spelling test to check these have been learned.
When learning spellings, we recommend this approach:
Look – Cover – Write – Check
In addition, children across KS2 are tested on the relevant high frequency words for their age in the Autumn term.
: Number Facts and Times Tables
Year 1 & 2: Children are expected to practice their number bonds and in Year 2 also start to learn their times tables. Children are tested on these fortnightly.
Year 3 – Year 6: In KS2 pupils are expected to practice their focus times table and division facts of the week. All children have access to Times Tables Rock Stars to support this. Children are tested fortnightly on their times tables.
Accessing Google Classrooms
There are 3 main ways to access Google Classroom:
1) Using a web browser 2) Using the free Google Classroom app (available for Apple and Android devices) 3) Using a Web Browser on an Xbox or PS4 (Please see Instructions below)
If accessing Google Classroom using a web browser it is recommended to use Google Chrome. To access Google Classroom using a web browser you can search for ‘Google Classroom’ For full instructions on how to access Google classroom is available to download HERE, alternatively please watch our videos below.