Year 6 Home Learning

Wishing Year 6 all the best at their new secondary schools.



Have a go at the comprehensions and quiz linked to the most recent First News, which can be found on the main Learning From Home page:

Level 1

Level 2

News Quiz 13th July

First News Quiz of the Year

Spelling Words: Year 6 Spelling list

World Book Online
This is an online reading platform with a collection of over 3,000 ebooks and audiobooks, which is currently being made available to families for free. You can read as many different books as you want. Books can be searched by topic, genre and age.


Maths Week Beginning 13th July:

Have a go at the arithmetic papers below. The answers are included at the end to check the work.


Transition – 13th July

This week, we have been focusing on transitioning to secondary school. Have a look at the transition booklet, which we will discuss at the final zoom session on Thursday. 

Transition booklet

Additional transition activities: 

Similarities and Differences


Children should use the PDF below to help them continue to practice their French:

UKS2 French 13th July

Please look out for lessons on other subjects, such as Music and Well Being on the BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons site. These lessons can be used to help the children to continue their learning in these subjects. Visit:

On the school website, we list details of the learning that each year group is completing this half term, under the heading ‘Our Learning’ click on the tab ‘Subjects this half term’ . You can use the key words from this page to search for resources on​ Type a topic key word in the blue search box and it will come up with useful information, which your child can use to create an interesting fact file! Another useful site is where you can search for information by topic or by using key words.

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