Year 2 Home Learning
Daily Maths Lessons on BBC Bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/z7s22sg/year-2-and-p3-lessons/1
Zoom activities to be completed and emailed to class teacher by 17th July.
Monday Maths Group: Monday Group
Tuesday Maths Group: Tuesday Group
Wednesday Maths Group: Wednesday Group Part 1
The children’s learning in Science, History and Geography has been broken down into half termly topics. The PowerPoint below sets out the learning your child will need to complete this week. It also provides an activity to help them to remember this. They should complete the activity before their weekly Zoom session, so they are able to show this to their teacher. YR2 The UK Week 5
Children should use the PowerPoint below to help them continue their learning in Art: Year 2 Summer 1 Art
Please look out for lessons on other subjects, such as Music and Well Being on the BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons site. These lessons can be used to help the children to continue their learning in these subjects. Visit: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/z7s22sg/year-2-lessons/1
On the school website, we list details of the learning that each year group is completing this half term, under the heading ‘Our Learning’ click on the tab ‘Subjects this half term’ . You can use the key words from this page to search for resources on https://www.theschoolrun.com/ Type a topic key word in the blue search box and it will come up with useful information, which your child can use to create an interesting fact file! Another useful site is http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/ where you can search for information by topic or by using key words.