School Council
Our School Council was set up to enable the children here at Old Palace to have a say in the running of their own school. In this way, our children have a greater sense of belonging, become more confident when putting forward ideas and developing a greater understanding of the need to work co-operatively for the good of others. We encourage our councillors to be active citizens by making a positive contribution to their school and local communities.
The Council is democratically elected each year by the children from year 2 to 6. Each class puts forward 3 boys and 3 girls as candidates who then campaign for votes. The election takes place during the autumn term. On Election Day each child votes (in real voting booths!) for 1 girl and 1 boy to represent their class. The winning councillors will be in office for the whole of that school year and will run and chair class council meetings and attend regular whole council meetings.
See photos from our Election Day, Children in Need and Food Bank Collection