Breakfast Club

To help parents and carers who need extra time or to get to work in the morning before school begins, the school offers a breakfast club for children which starts from 8.00am. Breakfast club is based in the school’s dining hall. During their time at the breakfast club the children are provided with a healthy breakfast.

The club is run by two members of the school staff and has, at least, one qualified first-aider present at all times.

The cost per session is £2.00 per child, per day. If your child is entitled to Free School Meals the cost is subsidised to £1 per child, per day.

To enrol your child into Breakfast club or for more information, please speak to a member of the administrative team.

After School Clubs

Clubs taking place this term are:

Summer B


Monday Year 1 & 2 Football Club Year 3 & 4 Dance Club
Tuesday Year 3 & 4 Badminton Club Year 5 & 6 Street Dance Club  
Wednesday Reception Outside Now Year 1 & 2 Football Club Year 5 & 6 Cricket Club
Thursday Year 1 & 2 Team Games Club Year 3 & 4 Team Games Club  
Friday No Club No Club No Club









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