Year Group Newsletter

Welcome to our year group newsletter page. Each half term, our Assistant headteacher will prepare a newsletter for each phase group with key information about upcoming events, dates, what the children are taught and how you can help you child with their learning.


Bringing things in from home

Parents/Carers this is a polite reminder that children should not be bringing in anything additional from home, such as toys, activities and accessories.  It can cause problems, particularly in the playground or be upsetting if a child loses their item.  If a child is seen with anything that shouldn’t be in school and/or is causing a distraction, it will be taken off them and given to the parent/carer at the end of the day.

Key Dates

World Book Day Events

  • 3rd March 2025: Reception, Year 1 Bedtime Story Time: 3.45pm—4.30pm
  • 5th March 2025: Parent Workshop 9:00-10:00am
  • 6th March 2025: Book Fair (8:50–9:10am Reception & Year 1) (3:30–4:00pm Year 2 – Year 6)
  • 7th March 2025: Children can come dressed up as their favourite book character.


Parent Consultation: Tuesday 1st, Wednesday 2nd April. Appointment times will be texted to all parents nearer the time


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