
Welcome to our year group newsletter page. Each half term, our Assistant headteacher will prepare a newsletter for each phase group with key information about upcoming events, dates, what the children are taught and how you can help you child with their learning.


Winter Weather 

As the weather is still quite cold, we ask that children please be sent in wearing warm jackets, hats and gloves, as they will need these for break times. Please also make sure that PE kits include long jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt or hoodie for children to wear during their outdoor PE sessions. 

School Photographer 

It is that time of year again, to take our annual school photos! The school photographer will be coming into school this term to take individual, class and sibling photos. School photos will be taking place on Wednesday 15th January 2025

Bringing things in from home

Parents/Carers this is a polite reminder that children should not be bringing in anything additional from home, such as toys, activities and accessories.  It can cause problems, particularly in the playground or be upsetting if a child loses their item.  If a child is seen with anything that shouldn’t be in school and/or is causing a distraction, it will be taken off them and given to the parent/carer at the end of the day.

Safer Internet Day 

Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.

Safer Internet Day 2025 will take place on the 11th of February 2025, with celebrations and learning based around the theme ‘Together for a better internet’. 

The children will start the week off with an assembly introducing the theme and reminding them of the SMART rules for staying safe online, identifying who they can talk to if they see/hear something online that is upsetting and how to be a good digital citizen. Year groups will then take part in different ‘age appropriate’ activities during the day, linked to staying safe online. There will also be a parent workshop to know how to support your child at home online. 

Key Dates

Whole School Events 

Wednesday 15th January: School Photo Day 

Safer Internet Day: Tuesday 11th February 

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