To Federate Children’s House Nursery and Old Palace Primary School

The governors of Children’s House Nursery and Old Palace Primary School are considering a proposal to federate from 1st September 2025.  This will support sustainability and help secure the excellent provision for 2-11 year olds currently provided by the settings.

Were the proposal to be agreed, Children’s House and Old Palace Primary School would remain as separate organisations, each with their own budget and staffing structure.  A trust would be formed to govern both setting, which would have a single governing board. Should one of the headteachers leave, the remaining headteacher would become an executive headteacher, leading both schools.

The document below lays out the proposals. Please read it carefully.

The school office can also provide paper copies upon request.

On page 6 there is a Consultation Response Form.

We would be grateful if this could be completed and either handed in to the school office or emailed to by 22nd November 2024.

Paper copies of the Consultation Response Form are available outside the school office.

There will be two parents’ meetings held at Old Palace on Thursday 10th October, one at 9.30am and the other at 3pm. We will present details of the proposal and provide an opportunity for questions.

Alternatively, you can attend an open Zoom meeting with Helen Jenner, who is supporting the schools with this process, on Thursday 7th November at 6pm.

The log-in details are as follows:

Topic: Children’s House and Old Palace Consultation Zoom Meeting

Time: Nov 7, 2024 06:00 PM London

 Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 886 4751 7192   Passcode: 096348


Senior staff will continue to be in the playground at the end of the school day to answer any questions and comments you may have. In addition, we have set up a ‘Federation Queries’ box outside the school office where questions can be posted.

The consultation will run from Monday 7th October – Friday 22nd November 2024

As this is YOUR school, it is important that you share your views, so please complete and return the Consultation Response Form by 3pm on Friday 22nd November 2024.

The forms will then be gathered by Helen Jenner, who will review the feedback.

Thank you all for your support and we are hopeful this next step will ensure we are able to secure a rich long-term future for quality education in the local community.


Download a copy of the Consultation HERE

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