The government have issued a red extreme weather warning, as temperatures of around 40C are expected on Monday and Tuesday. The Department Education recommends that schools remain open, but says that steps should be taken to ensure children and staff remain safe.
Parents can help by:
Sending the children to school in shorts & t-shirt or light summer dress Children should have these items as part of their summer uniform, if they do not, children will be allowed to come to school wearing their PE kit on Monday & Tuesday. Clothes should be loose fitting and be a light colour to reflect the heat.
Providing children with a sun hat or light coloured scarf
Making sure children bring a water bottle
Making sure sun cream is applied in the morning
Walking to school in the shade and leaving extra time so the children can walk slowly The school will:
Ensure the children continue to have access to water throughout the day
Reduce lunchtime, so the children are not out doors for more than 15 minutes at this time
Close blinds on sun facing windows to keep children out of direct sunlight
Not ask the children to carry out strenuous activity, such as running during PE sessions
Avoid sending children/staff home in the middle of the day when temperatures are highest
Ensure all staff are aware of the signs of heatstroke and how to manage this As lunchtime will be reduced, the school will be closing at 2.30pm on Monday and Tuesday.
The school gates will be opened from 2.20pm. We will be holding the Summer Fete as planned on Tuesday. Each class will visit the fete for 30 minutes in the morning while it is cooler. The fete will close during the hottest hours of early afternoon, before re-opening from 2.30-3.30pm for families to visit. There will be an entry charge of 50p per adult or child over 12.
On Tuesday, all children will be dismissed from the KS2 playground. Money will then be collected at the gate leading into the KS1 playground for those wishing to visit the Summer Fete.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused, but we believe that these measures are necessary to help keep the children safe. Please find attached additional guidance from Public Heath England.