Parental Engagement Old Palace
At Old Palace, we are fortunate to have two dedicated Parental Engagement Officers who play a pivotal role in fostering strong relationships between the school and our families. These committed professionals work tirelessly to ensure that parents feel supported, informed, and connected to their children’s educational journey.
Parental Engagement Service for Families
Coffee Mornings
- Guest speakers providing information to support parents/ carers
Online platforms
- Tapestry
- Bug Club
- Timetable Rock Star
- Google Classroom
- ESOL delivered by twinn
- ESOL & Maths delivered by Idea Store
- Speaking English with Confidence
- Welcome meetings for each year group
- Curriculum supported workshops
- Phonics
- Get Talking/Listening delivered by Parental Engagement Team
- Outdoor Learning delivered by Parental Engagement Team
- Digital Literacy Skills – Connecting Communities project
- Anti Bullying
- Online safety
- Time to Engage
Health & Well being
- Walking group
- Dads/mums badminton
- Mindfulness for dads
- Sewing
- Embroidery delivered by Bromley By Bow Centre
- Pottery
- Massage
Board Games - Parent trips in partnership with DLR
- GP information session
- Dramatherapy
- Anxiety & Worries
- Charity Events
- Healthy eating
- Oral Health
- Vaccination
Parent Volunteers
28 Parent Councillors
10 Trip Volunteers
- Free school meals
- Secondary School Application
- Basic Immigration
- Housing
- Benefits
Dads Network
As a dad or a male carer, the network will help you strengthen your relationship with your child through positive parenting and play.
Join the Dad’s every Badminton Tuesday from 9.30-10.30am
African Network
Meet with other Somali or African parents and carers and share your experiences relating to education and parenting as well as hear some inspirational guest speakers.
Mum’s Network
We offer two events to support Mums’ Wellbeing: Badminton and a Walking Group. These have proved popular and take place on alternate Mondays from 9:00-10:30am. There is no need to book—just turn up on time in order to benefit from these sessions.